3.5 Uncovering Unconscious Feelings

Numerous models of the human psyche have been proposed by various spiritual psychology pioneers, including Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Ken Wilber, and
Stanislav Grof, who recognize that hidden, buried, or suppressed feelings, create blocks in our ability to grow spiritually, enjoy life, and express our authentic self. Buddhist and Vedic teachings refer to these buried feelings as ‘samskaras.’ Samskaras are reactive, dysfunctional patterns that trace their origin to childhood or birth traumas as well as past life issues. According to this mode of thought, every moment lived creates a karmic imprint where the light from the soul gets dimmed.

One way to look at it is that we are made up of layers of being. In the center is our soul, our authentic self-who we really are. In an ideal world, we would be this self all the time, expressing it joyfully from the moment of our birth. But we do not, because of conditioned realities and resulting beliefs from childhood that prevent access to this level of our being. We build a wall to cut us off from our innermost authentic self-a wall composed of survival strategies and control dramas. Our repressions, fixations, denials, traumas, and neuroses are the cement that holds the wall together. We wear a public mask, which may radiate the illusion of success, poise, and self-control, keeping the world (and even parts of ourselves) ignorant of the painful, unacknowledged emotions hidden within us behind the public mask.

These unresolved issues accumulate over a lifetime and work together to suppress the brain’s alpha waves’ production, leaving beta pretty much in control. In order
to calm the ‘Hurricane in the Brain,’ we have to uncover and heal these old hurts and release and re-script the beliefs we adopted because of them.

Over the years, I have developed a remarkably effective way to uncover painful feelings and experiences suppressed or stuffed out of sight of the conscious mind. Using a series of proprietary Mood Scales coupled with real-time feedback from brain wave measurements can provide a powerful tool to bring unconscious feelings to the surface quickly. The Mood Scales are designed to bring into conscious awareness of positive and negative emotions below conscious awareness. This sophisticated method helps us determine what might be holding people back from increasing alpha waves during their feedback training experience, even when they are not consciously aware of the blocks.

Here’s how it works. To start with, trainees’ heads are carefully measured to find the right spots for alpha training. Biocybernaut, we follow an international stand
chart for electrode placement. Small gold disk electrodes are carefully and gently placed on the scalp’s surface by technicians using cotton with rubbing alcohol and a conductive gel to make sure that there is a low-resistance contact with the scalp. This is done so brain waves, which are very low voltage, can be accurately detected, picked up and amplified, and then processed by the computerized technology. Brain waves are just a few millionths of a volt, so they must be amplified before being measured and processed by the feedback computers.

When trainees first go into their soundproof feedback chambers, they are ‘plugged in’ so the computers can measure their brain waves. The first task of the day is to fill out computerized Mood Scales. In this process, words that describe feelings are presented to the trainees one at a time on a computer screen. The computer is programmed to evaluate the answers. The computers also evaluate the accuracy of their answers, so any lack of congruency between their self-reports and the computer’s evaluation is measured simultaneously. We jokingly say that we have psychic computers, and you can’t fool them. The computer can determine the chances (the probability) that the answer is accurate or hidden, unconscious emotions that the trainees may be denied because they are unaware of these emotions. The computer can read the hidden presence of joy and happiness and other positive emotions and the hidden presence of negative emotions. People are often unaware of the pool of positive emotions lying just beneath the surface of their awareness. When we call their attention to these latent positive emotions, they can access their own reservoirs of positive emotion more easily the next time they are in the feedback chamber -and life in general.

Attributes neurofeedback training:

The use of these Mood Scales and our ‘psychic’ mood computers is one major attribute that sets my research and its educational training protocols apart from any other form of brain wave neurofeedback training or even psychotherapy. We can help our students uncover denied unconscious feelings and the reasons for them in a matter of days, something that would typically take years of traditional therapy to uncover.

The following case histories provide examples of how people have been able to calm the ‘Hurricane in the Brain’ using the technology and protocols that I have
developed. These stories are some of the most extreme cases we have seen, involving severe anxiety, paranoia, hostility, schizophrenia, stress, drug abuse, and other
difficult-to-change psychological or personality traits. You may see yourself or someone you love in these stories, so please be inspired and know that there is
genuine hope for people to have rapid and lasting beneficial changes using the Biocybernaut technology.

3.5 Uncovering Unconscious Feelings — Biocybernaut
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