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When Colin Martindale studied creativity, he found that highly creative people had the ability to turn on Alpha when they were working on a problem, and normal people didn’t. Normal people would try to solve problems in the same brainwave state that they occupy when they’re at rest, but the highly creative people could turn on a high Alpha state within which they could quickly and effectively solve problems.
And so Colin Martindale, a researcher at the University of Maine in Orono, said that creativity is simply a matter of having the right brain waves. Creativity is simply a matter of having the right brain waves, and so if you have the right training, you can turn on Alpha you can be creative in whatever area you want.
The highly significant increase in creativity of ideas (Ideational Fluency) in the alpha feedback group suggests that it may be possible for a wide range of people to become more creative.
It is also apparent that alpha training reduced stress in the alpha group, which significantly reduced.
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