Actual change and the perception of change are often very different. You know the old story of the frog. If you drop him into boiling water, he will jump out. But if you
put the frog in medium water and turn a low flame on underneath, the temperature comes up so gradually that the frog, being cold-blooded, adjusts naturally. He
eventually boils but never gets to the point of jumping out.
When people undergo changes induced by outside influence, they almost always notice the changes, which can be sudden to the point of abruptness. However, when
people contribute to the change process, particularly when the change is something that they do from inside, people find it difficult to notice the changes, even when they are profound. This is because those inner-directed changes are organic, and it’s hard to notice the gradual organic change.
In our personality studies, we followed up with people after the training and saw profound personality changes. These changes depended upon where on the
head and how much the alpha went up. However, people have this remarkable ability to forget unpleasant things in their past. If they were deeply depressed or incredibly riddled with anxiety, they don’t have much of a memory of how it was when they had it when it goes away. It’s a healing mechanism; that’s how we get past serious emotional traumas or sadness and grief when a beloved family member dies. At first, people may be unable to function for a week, and then they start to heal, and two years later, they might think of it only occasionally. In this case, forgetfulness is useful.
People who have taken our training often experience profound changes in their personalities and ways of thinking and expressing themselves. Sometimes we
would go back to what friends and family members said about them before they came in for training. We could then compare a third person’s perception of the profound changes the alpha trainees had made. Nowadays, we videotape all our interviews to look at tapes from the first day and compare them to the last day, and we usually see pronounced personality changes. Sometimes people don’t even recognize or identify with how they used to be before the training. Another model of change where the vessel – the person – remains the same and spiritual experiences – ‘water’ – are added. You fill up and overflow with the experience, and the ‘water’ flows across the table and falls off the edge and gets your pants wet! In this model, there is a powerful and dramatic ‘experience’ from the alpha training, and the trainee has recollections of having experienced deep feelings.
In another growth model, the new experiences are being added continuously, but the container, the glass, is being continuously expanded. This is the case where a
person’s capacities for experience expand daily through Alpha Training’s work. In this change model, the person becomes more powerful, calmer, and more
centered, yet there isn’t any real sense that things have changed. It is only by objective measures or reports by people who know you or your interaction through various psychological and perceptual tests that you can measure the existence and magnitude of your changes. That’s why it is so important to be able to do measurements, which has distinguished the Biocybernaut Institute’s work from a lot of other work that has been done.
Technology and training methods:
Scientific studies with objective measurements have characterized the development of Biocybernaut technology and training methods. So the distinction between feeling any different and not feeling any different is difficult, and we need to distinguish between the two based on data. There is an evident natural tendency for people not to remember how bad it used to be after a change for the better and take the new
pleasant situation for granted. It is built into us. We are our own worst evaluators of the degree of change that we go through, particularly if it is changed for the better. If it is changed for the better, the memory of how bad it used to fade quickly. That’s just how our minds work. This is why the research base of the Biocybernaut training has always used objective measures of the changes produced by learning to increase your alpha brain wave activity with the brain wave feedback technology and training