The production of alpha brain waves is an innate skill of our brains, but one consequence of the modern stressful lifestyle is that we have forgotten how to produce theta and alpha brain waves in the waking state – we’ve been conditioned out of it. When people can produce strong, frequent alpha waves, they think smarter; they are more creative and more likely to deliver peak performances.
They are also less hostile, less anxious, less angry, less unhappy, and less depressed. In a state of enhanced or high alpha, people are also friendlier, more vigorous, more motivated, and able to think more clearly and stay focused. It will be a better world to live in when more people learn to live in higher alpha brain wave states more of the time.
With brain wave neurofeedback technology, people can change themselves and their lives for the better and positively impact their families, their communities, their county, and the world. Here are some of the specific outcomes we have documented with this training:
- Improving interpersonal relationships with spouse, family, children, coworkers
- Restoring youthful brain wave patterns, thereby reversing some effects of aging
- Developing your natural intuition and problemsolving capabilities
- Staying calm and focused under pressure
- Performing more effectively and more creatively with less stress
- Profiting from increased productivity
- Improving and enjoying special skills and abilities
- Improving mental clarity and memory
- Building self-esteem and self-confidence
- Enhancing spiritual awareness and deepening meditation practice
- Accessing attitudes of forgiveness and non-attachment
Some people are born healthy and mellow and gifted with creativity and athletic prowess, exemplified by peak performance. But what if you are not so lucky? Technology is now available that can teach anyone to increase alpha and theta brain waves naturally. My research on over 4,000 people has demonstrated that if a specific brain wave pattern related to a specific state of consciousness or experience is measured and mapped, we can teach people to achieve it.
With brain wave neurofeedback technology and the most advanced training protocols, virtually everyone can learn the skills to change their brain waves appropriately as the situation requires and achieve a higher natural state of Alpha activity. Here is a description from one of our trainees, Bill Harris, CEO of Center Pointe Research Institute, the creator of Holosync.
‘Alpha wave neurofeedback training gives people a dramatic increase in self-awareness, so you begin to see how you are, moment by moment, creating your life. This includes your internal life, the internal states you are experiencing as well as the external results you are getting – the people you attract into your life and the experiences you have day-to-day. You realize that various emotional states that have seemed to come out of nowhere are actually being created internally by something you do inside! You learn that if I’m doing this, I can do it anyway I want to. Interestingly enough, when people leave the training, they know how to maintain a high Alpha state even without the electrodes being hooked up. So neurofeedback training gives you a jumpstart and is not required afterward, although additional training time is nothing but beneficial.’
Neurofeedback training:
The benefit of alpha brain wave neurofeedback training is that we can become more human and boost our mental, rational mode of thought at the same time.