6.3.1 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Programs
The customers will be individuals with alcohol and/ or drug problems and psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, doctors, hospitals, and clinics (both in-patient and out-patient) that focus on alcohol and drug abuse patients. Companies and insurance companies that underwrite those companies will also be customers, especially in states and countries that mandate drug and alcohol treatment for employees before considering employment termination.
6.3.2 Chronic Pain
The pain pattern in the brain, which sustains chronicity, is altered, thus freeing the patient from iatrogenic drug use and other often ineffective treatments. Seemingly miraculous cases of reduction or elimination of chronic pain have been observed in Biocybernaut’s Alpha One trainees.
6.3.3 Geriatrics: Preservation and Restoration of Cognitive and Physical Functions
The customers will be elderly individuals seeking mental and physical benefits and all the organizations and institutions interested in mental health care and physical health care, and all the practitioners in the geriatrics fields. Corporate, state and national government health and retirement plans will also be customers because the economics will force them to choose wellness methods over disease treatment methods as the global population ages. An independent Colorado HMO that instituted a simple form of EEG feedback and triaged to assign likely beneficiaries found that 35% of clients were assigned to EEG feedback, and overall costs were dramatically reduced. A quarter-million-dollar federal grant from NIMH directed by Dr. Hardt entitled Anxiety and Aging: Intervention with EEG alpha Feedback documented remarkable reversals of age-related deficits in cognitive, mental, and emotional processes. Improvements in personality profiles were linked to increased alpha activity, as were beneficial reductions in high blood pressure levels.
6.3.4 Diabetes
People with diabetes will be customers, primary care physicians, hospitals, and clinics that provide services to diabetic patients. The de-stressing that follows the Biocybernaut training often substantially reduces a diabetic’s need for insulin. In 1996 the general manager of Novo Nordisk’s American startup in North Carolina offered Biocybernaut $1,000,000 for the worldwide rights to the Biocybernaut technology upon learning of the reduced need for insulin that follows the Biocybernaut training. At the time, Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical giant with over 10,000 employees, was the world’s third-largest producer of insulin. The offer was declined but may have been intended to shelve the Biocybernaut technology and keep it from ever reaching the marketplace.
6.3.5 High Blood Pressure
Many people with high blood pressure will want to become graduates of the 7-day Alpha One Training. Also, many hospitals and clinics will want to have our feedback-training units because of the benefits of lowered blood pressure and stress reduction, which helps prepare for and recover from surgeries. In the Anxiety and Aging: Intervention with EEG alpha Feedback grant, the trainees who had high blood pressure [trainees were women 60-81 years of age] found that their blood pressure went down when their EEG alpha activity went up.
6.3.6 Stress Reduction and Stress Management
This process of learning control of alpha brain activity is the most effective way to reduce and manage stress. Unlike educational programs and talking exhortations, the clients learn the brain waves of low-stress states and maintain them at will.
6.3.7 Personality Therapy (Phobias, Anxiety, Depression, Paranoia, Schizophrenia)
All forms of psychological counseling and psychotherapy will be profoundly modified or replaced by brain wave feedback training, allowing people to make large and rapid shifts in core dimensions of personality. In the Anxiety and Aging grant, there were 6 and 12-month follow-ups. Trainees had improvements in their personality structures from before to after the training as a function of where on the head (and how much) their alpha increased. Surprisingly at 6-month follow-ups, there were further improvements in personality structures and still further improvements at 12 months. One way to understand this remarkable result is to note that meta-analyses of various types of therapies find that ‘insight-based’ therapies are the most long-lasting results. Teaching people how to have more alpha is teaching them to have the brain wave basis of insights. Alpha spawns insights. To teach alpha is to give the trainee lifetime access to greater insights. A famous adage would seem to apply: ‘Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish, and he eats for the rest of his life, AND he can feed his whole village.’ Teach someone increased alpha, and they have the means to transform themselves in very insightful ways continually. This leads to better mental health (among many other benefits).
6.3.8 Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
All forms of psychological counseling and psychotherapy will be profoundly modified or replaced by brain wave feedback training, allowing people to make large and rapid shifts in core dimensions of personality. In the Anxiety and Aging grant, there were 6 and 12-month follow-ups. Trainees had improvements in their personality structures from before to after the training as a function of where on the head (and how much) their alpha increased. Surprisingly at 6-month follow-ups, there were further improvements in personality structures and still further improvements at 12 months. One way to understand this remarkable result is to note that meta-analyses of various types of therapies find that ‘insight-based’ therapies are the most long-lasting results. Teaching people how to have more alpha is teaching them to have the brain wave basis of insights. Alpha spawns insights. To teach alpha is to give the trainee lifetime access to greater insights. A famous adage would seem to apply: ‘Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish, and he eats for the rest of his life, AND he can feed his whole village.’ Teach someone increased alpha, and they have the means to transform themselves in very insightful ways continually. This leads to better mental health (among many other benefits).
Just as learning changes in the brain waves produces changes in the personality, so it has been shown that when a person with MPD spontaneously shifts their personality, there is, at that moment, a dramatic shift in their brain wave activity. These two findings, taken together, allow us to look at personality in the same way as we look at a computer’s operating system. The computer is not its operating system, and we are not our personalities. A personality is loaded in our brains analogous to how an operating system is loaded into a computer, and both can be easily changed. Teaching brain wave control to people with multiple personality disorder gives them the means to maintain an optimal and stable personality that is not subject to untimely, inappropriate, and involuntary shifts. Thus Bob is no longer in danger of becoming Sue at inappropriate moments. People can now choose their personalities and tailor them to their values, needs, and preferences through learned control of their brain waves. No longer will a kind-hearted person suffer through (and after) outbursts of inappropriate anger since they can now change their personalities and their emotional expressions.
6.3.9 Attitudinal Healing and Therapy
A popular alternative to traditional psychotherapy, attitudinal healing will be supplanted by our process, which allowed clients to quickly and easily learn to adopt whatever attitudes they wish, through the Brain Activity Mapping and Training Process.
6.3.10 Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Weight Management)
Just as brain activity training can alleviate drug and alcohol abuse, so can eating disorders. The brain activity training eliminates the underlying psychological disturbances and gives the clients more awareness and control of their actions.
6.3.11 Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment
Brain activity training is developing to treat choice for children and adults with attention-deficit (ADD) and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The clients will be ADD and ADHD people and the health care professionals who treat them. Most of the neurofeedback work with ADD and ADHD to date have used beta EEG training. However, case studies at Biocybernaut Institute have shown alpha training to be possibly more effective. It will reduce or eliminate the need for Ritalin, like beta training. Still, alpha training also has led to the spontaneous adoption of meditative practices by children following their Biocybernaut alpha training. This is something quite unlikely to happen after beta training.
6.3.12 Corporate Health Care Market
Arthur D. Little, Inc. did a 1987 marketing study for me and my company. This study identified the corporate health care market as a multi-billion dollar market annually. Health care costs were devouring all corporations’ profits, and by the year 2000 were expected to equal the corporate profits for the Fortune 1000 companies. Brain wave feedback is one of the few programs to intervene effectively to actually make people well, as opposed to reducing costs by reducing health care services and limiting access to effective health care (which has been the strategy of most HMOs). Instead of adopting brain wave feedback training programs, the corporations deferred this health care problem by turning to HMOs with volume buying power and reducing their employees’ access to medical care. That bought them some time. But now the wolf is once again at the door, which would be better to solve the problem. Solving this problem will require that employees be provided with better care and thus made more healthy, possible, and cost-effective by incorporating neurofeedback into the health care delivery system.
6.3.13 Psychoneuroimmunology (Improvement of Immune Function to Fight Disease)
The new field of psychoneuroimmunology has arisen because of new knowledge that one’s mind state has both positive and negative influences on the effectiveness of our immune systems. With proper mind training, people will be able to boost the effectiveness of their immune systems, especially in circumstances that would normally impair immune function, such as stress, injury, grief, depression, etc. A recent alliance between Biocybernaut Institute and Dr. Carl Simonton provides the opportunity to tailor the training processes for maximum effectiveness in Psychooncology. Dr. Simonton’s counseling programs DOUBLE the median survival time in people with advanced metastasis cancers. Following his Biocybernaut training, Dr. Simonton estimated that the present form of this Alpha One training would TRIPLE median survival times in this group, and he further stated that the combination of his work with the Biocybernaut Alpha One training would have an even stronger effect that would be more than the additive results of the programs done separately.