“Though I wasn’t expecting it and never thought it would happen, in February of 2018, the stars aligned; an amazing opportunity presented itself and I was able to go to the Biocybernaut Institute. I went to enhance my meditation practice and to work on some personal goals. I had some expectations… but in general, looking back, nothing was to prepare me for what my upcoming visit there would turn out to be.
I had very general, non-specific plans and only a vague impression of what the training was to be. On our first day, our wonderful trainer Grace called it “Disorientation Day”. It perfectly described how I felt that day.
Simply put, the training was a perfect crash course on what the ego is, how interwoven into our lives and bodies it is and how to do the most effective inner work in order to get the ego out of the way of our potential.
The amount of inner work that we (the trainees and I) did through uncovering inner problems that were harbored within us, and working on solutions through the amazing process of forgiveness cannot be compared to any levels of mind/body or talk work I’ve done throughout the years…
What we did in seven days in the institute seemed to equate to many years of talking through issues, under professional guidance, with intense focus… Years!!! It may seem unbelievable to some, but some very deep-rooted issues, issues that seemed to need a long time to be resolved were easily resolved in a matter of hours and days at the Institute.
I was able to do a lot of inner work that helped me heal problems at their very root. Many things were allowed to come up to the surface that has affected my life since I was born, and some were a complete surprise when they were uncovered.
I realized that I have been unaware of many things that were hindering my potential and happiness.
Upon completion of the training, I went back home to my family and noticed an immediate shift in my personal and professional life. Work was no longer making me feel performance anxiety and more and more work opportunities started appearing out of nowhere. I felt excited and motivated. I am now able to work with a new level of confidence that was missing before.
I have ideas that are clear and productive, and I have the courage to act upon them accordingly.
My family life shifted as well. As a busy mom and a wife, I used to feel very overwhelmed and under-appreciated. This changed as soon as I finished my training. My family and I have so much fun together and we enjoy a new form of bonding that we did not allow ourselves to have beforehand.
There continues to be much evidence that the training was a major life-changing event for me…. There are synchronicities and “messages” from the Universe on a regular basis that I now notice and am grateful for each and every time. In retrospect, I not only accomplished more enhanced levels of meditation and worked on personal goals, but the training also unveiled things that were hidden from my consciousness that were hindering my personal growth and hurting my personal relationships for decades. I was able to learn things about myself that I got to release and start making room for better and bigger things in my life.
A really interesting by-product of the training was seeing a shift in my husband and children. My husband almost instantly started feeling less and less anxious until he no longer felt panic attacks when flying on a plane!!! He was able to work through these major issues and courageously leave a job of 20 years to pursue a new job.
It turned out that Biocybernaut offered way more than I would have ever expected and I plan to return to the Institute at least two more times in my lifetime. The possibilities that came from my first training were so immediate and pleasing not only to me but also to my family members, that I know going further with Alpha Levels II & III will be an immense benefit to us all.”
– B. C.
Photographer, Herbalist, Mother, Wife