Alpha 2 Brainwave
Neurofeedback Training

Biocybernaut's Alpha 2 Brainwave Neurofeedback Training

I thoroughly enjoy working with our Alpha 2 students because as our trainer says below here, it’s where we really get to take off and accomplish a LOT of things, benefiting your life tremendously. 

“It [Alpha 1] was like being able to put out your arms and fly. Alpha 2 was like being in the cockpit of an F-16 and being able to zoom up to the edge of space. Alpha 3 was like integrating everything I ever wanted to integrate. And Alpha 4 knocked it out of the park!” – Biocybernaut Trainer

If you read that closely, the question may come up as to WHY that is? Let me explain a bit how Brainwave neurofeedback training works. Alpha 1 (and you’ll understand what I’m talking about fully if you’re already been through it) is what many would call “tough” the first 3 days into your training. That’s because you are quite literally learning how to learn. After all, our brain gives us feedback to everything that happens with our body. It gives us feedback on smells, tastes, how things feel, how we are feeling, on and on. This is how we learn. But there is NO feedback mechanism for the brain itself! Pause and think about that, the most important part of our body, the brain, and there really is zero feedback to help it learn how to improve itself. This is why so many of us, over the entire course of history, have never really progressed much as a species. We still tend to resort back to fight or flight mode when anything serious arises. The main job is to keep us safe. 

The first part is learning how to learn and the second part is the actual Learning. And what we discovered is that much of the first three days in Alpha 1 is actually learning how to learn. So, the brain is very complex. And any meaningful brain machine interface is also going to be complex. And it will take people a while to learn. Plus there are processes, procedures, like the forgiveness, the inquiry is the inner child for the high tech decision making, the worst-case scenarios, scary movies played backward, and the best-case scenarios that all take time for people to learn about when coming to the different trainings.

Imagine now, since we do learn in Alpha 1 how to train our brain how to improve, instead of just surviving and living in a protected, sheltered state, we learn how to thrive. This is what neurofeedback training does. So once we learn how to learn on days 1, 2 and 3 of Alpha 1, the final week is spent flying! If you’re in our premium single program you go back and practice once/day, or twice per day in our premium double program. Either way, when you move into Alpha 2 you already know the basics. You already know how to train your brain to increase Alpha so you can get straight to work, right away during your Alpha 2 brainwave neurofeedback training which is why our trainer described it like being in an F-16!

To sum things up, in Alpha 2 here we begin right off the bat with 8 channels of feedback, and continue where we left off in Alpha 1. This allows us to go a LOT deeper into your experience, forgiveness and allowing you to explore the essence of “who you are.” You have to be open to whatever comes up. The positive changes you experienced in Alpha 1 become more solidified and strengthened in Alpha 2.

What are the technical differences between Alpha One and Alpha Two brainwave neurofeedback trainings?

I’m glad you asked! Aside from already knowing how to fly and getting right into things, we also increase the feedback channels from 4, up to 8, so twice as much feedback to learn from. They are the left and right Frontals, as well as the left and right Temporals. And also included is hemi-coherence on four Left Brain:Right Brain channel pairs.

In the Alpha 1 Premium Double these 12 channels of audio and digital score feedback only became fully available on Day 7. So in Alpha Two, all 12 of these channels are available continuously for the entire 7 Days of the Alpha Two training program. Thus the Alpha Two enables people to more fully develop their mastery of these 12 important EEG parameters over the entire week of the Alpha 2 training. 

When it comes down to Alpha two training, they’ve learned more or less what to do, you get a little refresher. But you’ve already learned how to do these basic procedures. You understand the feedback works. Two minutes of audio feedback with your eyes closed, it’s dark and the scores come on, you open your eyes and for eight seconds here we see the digital score visually as information. And then the scores go out, and you go back to doing feedback. 

So in Alpha two people really have a chance, from day one, to put into practice the skills of the techniques that they learned in the Alpha one. This allows for great work to be done on ourselves, showing benefits that not only lasted, but grew as time went on after we checked back for our data 6 months later. This is why the Canadian philanthropist put up $6 million to fund neurofeedback trainings for people from his company, because there was such deep traumatization, Veterans with post-traumatic stress, divorce, in many cases returning war veterans that he felt they needed, and he made available through scholarships, multiple levels of the Alpha trainings.our tr


DID YOU KNOW? Biocybernaut offers up to Twenty Four Levels of Alpha Trainings. Alpha Trainings build on each previous training bringing you into richer and richer experiences and allowing your brain waves to organize and grow and synchronize more broadly across your head. Each successive training allows you to further advance in your Mind Mastery through increasing self-mastery of your own brain waves.

What’s next after Alpha two? – Alpha Three provides feedback that focuses your learning predominantly on integrating your Left Brain and your Right Brain. This involves very powerful feedback that emphasizes your hemi-coherence tones and scores, all of which deal with left:right synchronization.

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