We are gathering data on the benefits for children of neurofeedback training, so could use a few kids or teens, either with an ADHD & Hyperactivity condition or without, for a study of ours.
IF you’d like to go through a training WITH your child, so they can receive the benefits of biocybernaut’s patented neurofeedback training in their lives, they will get $7,000.00 off their training.
VALID from Feb 13th to April 3rd only, Premium 7 day trainings will be offered at our biggest discount ever for a child of yours that will attend the training with you.
So if you are looking for a possible scholarship for academics or athletics into an Ivy league school for your child, this could be the boost they need.
Additionally, if you are looking to help with ADHD, anxiety, traumas or other disorders, this could be beneficial as well.
Valid certain days only, for the Premium 7 day training only, no additional discounts apply, deposit required, AGES are from 8 years old up to 17 years old.
The investment is 14,998 for the parent and only 7,998 for your child.
SPACE IS EXTREMELY LIMITED for these trainings, and we need to confirm you’re a good match for the work.
Please contact us to apply.
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