August, 2007
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Professional Experience [Academic Experience, Academic Positions, Corporate Experience]
Professional Organizations
Publications and Patents
Carnegie Institute of Technology, B.S. in Physics.
Carnegie-Mellon University, M.S. in Psychology.
Carnegie-Mellon University, Ph.D. in Psychology.
University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), Post-Doctoral NIMH Fellowship,
Interdisciplinary Training Program, Research in Psychophysiology, at the Langley Porter
Psychiatric Institute, at University of California at San Francisco.
Principal Investigator for the following grants and contracts:
John E. Fetzer Foundation, Long Term Training in Brain Energy Feedback, July 1, 1977-July 31, 1989, ($950,000 USD).
National Institute of Mental Health, Anxiety and Aging: Intervention with EEG Alpha Feedback. MH32612 July 1, 1979 – June 30, 1982, ($251,000 USD).
Maco Stewart Scholarship and Research Fund, High Blood Pressure and Recovery from Heart Bypass Surgery: Intervention with EEG Alpha Feedback, October 1, 1979 – June 30, 1982, ($250,000 USD).
John E. Wertin Fund, Alpha Training to Reduce Executive Stress, December 23, 1980 – June 30, 1982, ($5,000 USD).
Joseph H. Akerman Fund, Performance Enhancement Through Stress Reduction, December 9, 1980 – June 30, 1982, ($8,000 USD).
Academic Positions
Assistant Adjunct Professor of Medical Psychology, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, July 1978 – July 1989.
Assistant Research Psychologist, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, January 1977 – June 1978.
Postdoctoral Fellowship (National Institute of Mental Health) with Dr. Joe Kamiya, preceptor, 1975-1977.
Research Associate with Dr. Charles L. Yeager, EEG Systems Lab, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, As Computer Systems Analyst documenting and evaluating a mini-computer system (DEC PDP-15) dedicated to power and coherence spectral analysis of EEG, 1973-1974.
Research Assistant with Dr. Joe Kamiya, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, UCSF Department of Psychiatry, Research on personality differences in and personality changes from learning EEG feedback, 1972-1973.
Predoctoral Fellowship (National Institute of Mental Health) with Dr. Joe Kamiya, preceptor, Research on psychophysiology and EEG feedback, 1971-1973.
Instructor in Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon University, Full time faculty member and Instructor for undergraduate courses in Introductory Psychology and Social Psychology, 1968-1971.
Systems Analyst, Department of Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon University, Principal Systems Analyst for campus wide survey of student drug use patterns, 1968-1971.
Research Assistant with Dr. Calvin Nodine, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Research on children learning to read words, 1967.
Corporate Experience
[All in EEG Technology Companies]:
Co-Founder, Biocybernautic Institute, Inc., July 4, 1976.
Founder, Biocybernaut Institute, Inc., November, 1983.
President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Biocybernaut Institute, Inc., November, 1983 to Present.
Co-Founder, MindCenter Corporation, September, 1984.
Board of Directors, MindCenter Corporation, September, 1984 to September, 1998.
Vice President for Research and Development, MindCenter Corporation, July, 1987 to July, 1991.
Vice President, MindCenter Corporation, September, 1984 to June, 1987.
Founder Biocybernaut Institute of California, LLC, November 1999.
President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Biocybernaut Institute of California, LLC, November, 1999 to Present.
Founder and Chairman, Biocybernaut Institute of Nevada, LLC November, 1999.
Founder, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Biocybernaut Institute of Canada, Ltd., July, 2006 to Present.
Professional Organizations
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
American Psychological Association.
Biofeedback Certification Institute of America, Certified with EEG Specialty.
Biofeedback Society of California, Certified.
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
Society for Psychophysiological Research.
Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation
Faculty-Alumni Organization, University of California at San Francisco.
Original Works of Authorship (Publications and Patents):
Nodine, C.F. and Hardt, J.V. Generated meaningfulness of single letters as a function of position in CVC trigrams, Psychonomic Science, 1968, 10, 129-130.
Nodine, C.F. and Hardt, J.V. A measure of pronounceability of CVC trigrams, Behavioral Research Methods and Instruments, 1969, 1, 210-216.
Nodine, C.F. and Hardt, J.V. The role of letter-position cues in learning to read words, Journal of Education Psychology, 1970, 61, 10-15.
Hardt, J.V. Alpha EEG responses of low and high anxiety males to respiration and relaxation training and to auditory feedback of occipital alpha. Dissertation Abstracts, International, 1974, 35(4), Catalog No. 74-19309, 1912B-1913B.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. A comparison of percent time and integrated amplitude measures of EEG alpha. Proceedings, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Salt Lake City, October, 1974.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant: EEG alpha learning – State of the art. Proceedings, Biofeedback Research Society, Vol. 6, Monterey, California, February, 1975a.
Hardt, J.V. Effects of relaxation during respiration feedback, Yogic breathing, and alpha EEG feedback. Proceedings, Biofeedback Research Society, Monterey, California, , Vol. 6, February, 1975b.
Hardt, J.V. How to choose a Yoga method: Clues from Psychophysiological Research. Yoga Journal, Vol. 1(3), pp. 23-24, 1975c.
Hardt, J.V. Pathways of the mind: In the Master’s footsteps with technology, Nous Letter: Studies in Noetics, Vol. 2(1), pp. 26-29, 1975d.
Hardt, J.V. The ups and downs of learning alpha feedback. Proceedings, Biofeedback Research Society, Vol. 6, Monterey, California, February, 1975e.
Hardt, J.V. The primacy of consciousness, Psychology colloquium, University of Pittsburgh, March 21, 1975f.
Hardt, J.V. Technology and Mysticism: Two routes inward, Seminar in Applied Psychology, Kalamazoo, Michigan, March 31, 1975g.
Hardt, J.V. Zen and Yogic meditation and EEG biofeedback, Symposium on Biofeedback and Altered States of Consciousness, University of North Dakota, April 4-5, 1975h.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. Conflicting results in EEG alpha feedback studies: Why amplitude integration should replace percent time. Journal of Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, Vol. 1, 63-75, 1976a.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. Predicting alpha enhancement from baseline physiology: Differences in high and low anxiety subjects. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Proceedings, San Diego, California, October, 1976b.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. Some comments on Plotkin’s “Self-regulation of electroencephalographic alpha”. Journal of Experimental Psychology, General, Vol. 105, 37-43, 1976c.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. The ups and downs of learning alpha feedback, part 2: Differential early/late correlations with drug use, sleep records, and mood scales. Proceedings of the Biofeedback Research Society, Colorado Springs, Vol. 7, p. 30, February, 1976d.
Hardt, J.V., Timmons, B.H., Yeager, C.L., & Kamiya, J. Studying power and coherence relationships in 6-channel EEGs: A McLuhanistic technique applied to Zen meditation, Proceedings of the Biofeedback Research Society, Colorado Springs, Vol. 7, p. 31, February, 1976.
Hardt, J.V. and Witmer, N.T. Inferring drug-use and mood state from respiration. Proceedings of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, April, 1976, 260.
Hardt, J.V. Anxiety reduction through alpha EEG enhancement. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado, February 20-25, 1977a.
Hardt, J.V. Enhancement of EEG alpha above eyes closed baselines, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado, February, 1977, 20-25, 1977b.
Hardt, J.V. Theoretical basis of EEG alpha enhancement feedback. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, Colorado, February, 20-25 1977c.
Hardt, J.V. Multi-users and multi-processors, in a symposium: Computers in Biofeedback, Proceedings of the Biofeedback Society of America, 8th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 7, Vol. 8, 1977d.
Hardt, J.V. Psychophysiology and the Three Gunas, in C. Garfield (Ed.), Rediscovery of the Body, New York: Dell, 1977e.
Hardt, J.V. and Witmer, N.T. Baseline respiration components predict performance at alpha enhancement feedback, Proceedings of the Biofeedback Society of America, 8th Annual Meeting,, Orlando, Florida, March 6, Vol. 8, p. 5, 1977f.
Hardt, J.V. A Predictive “Dual Process” Theory for Alpha Enhancement. Proceedings of the Biofeedback Society of America, 8th annual meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 6, Vol. 8, p. 6, 1977g.
Hardt, J.V. A Dedicated Microcomputer for Multi-Channel, Multi-Subject Biofeedback. Proceedings, Biofeedback Society of America, 9th Annual meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vol. 9, pp. 6-8, 1978a.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. Anxiety change through EEG alpha feedback: Seen only in high anxiety subjects. Science, Vol. 201, pp. 79-81, 1978a.
Hardt, J.V. and Kamiya, J. Treating high anxiety with alpha feedback. Proceedings, Biofeedback Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vol. 9, pp. 104-107, 1978b.
Hardt, J.V. Personality change through voluntary control of EEG alpha activity. Proceedings, Biofeedback Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vol. 9, pp. 215-218, 1978b.
Hardt, J.V. How to evaluate and design Cauer filters for specific biofeedback applications. Proceedings, Biofeedback Society of America, Tenth Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Vol. 10, 1979a.
Hardt, J.V. Hybrid spectral analysis: Low cost alternative to Fourier analysis of the power spectrum. Proceedings, Biofeedback Society of America, Tenth Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Vol. 10, pp. 23-27, 1979b.
Hardt, J.V. Seminar in Brain Energy Feedback, John E. Fetzer Foundation, Kalamazoo, MI, November 17-18, 1987.
Hardt, J.V. EEG Feedback Laboratory Operations and Research, Joint Colloquium with UCSF Department of Psychiatry (Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute) and Agnews State Hospital, February 9-10, 1988a.
Hardt, J.V. Long Term Training in Brain Energy Feedback, Fetzer Foundation Global Conference on Alternative Healing, Kalamazoo, MI, June, 1988b.
Hardt, J.V. Creativity: The Role of EEG Alpha in Creative Inspiration, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, December 14, 1988c.
Hardt, J.V. The Creative Process: Alpha and Theta EEG States Identified as Key Components, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, June 21, 1989a.
Hardt, J.V. Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny: Understanding the Development of Group Mind by Analogies from Biological Evolution, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, September 20, 1989b.
Hardt, J.V. Shared EEG Feedback: Unusual Experiences and the Emergence of Mental Powers, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, November 15, 1989c.
Hardt, J.V. The Study of Consciousness within Science, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, February 20, 1990a.
Hardt, J.V. The Brainwave Training Experience: A Scientific Discussion and Explanation, MindCenter Corporation Graduate Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, March 6, 1990b.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant for Guest Speaker Series, Dr. James Fadiman, MindCenter Corporation Guest Speaker Series, March 13, 1990c.
Hardt, J.V. Kundalini Experience and EEG Alpha Feedback Training, SEN Conference on Kundalini, Asilomar, CA March 14-17, 1990d.
Hardt, J.V. Brainwaves and Creativity, MindCenter Corporation Graduate Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, March 27, 1990e.
Hardt, J. V. Scientific Background of EEG Feedback, Presentation for the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (ITP) Advisory Council, Palo Alto, CA, April 10, 1990f.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant for Guest Speaker Series, Arthur Young on the Evolution of Consciousness, MindCenter Corporation Guest Speaker Series, Palo Alto, CA, April 18, 1990g.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant for Guest Speaker Series, The Barbara Shaw Forum, MindCenter Corporation Guest Speaker Series, Palo Alto, CA, April 24, 1990h.
Hardt, J.V. Introduction to EEG Feedback, Presentation to the Foothill College Network Group, Palo Alto, CA, May 1, 1990i.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant for Guest Speaker Series, Dr. Michael Ray, Creativity in Business, MindCenter Corporation Guest Speaker Series, May 15, 1990j.
Hardt, J.V. Advanced Forms of EEG Feedback Training, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, May 15, 1990k.
Hardt, J.V. The Theta Brainwave Training Experience: A Scientific Discussion and Explanation, MindCenter Corporation Graduate Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, May 22, 1990l.
Hardt, J.V. EEG Biofeedback Method and System for Training Voluntary Control of Human EEG Activity, United States Patent #4,928,704, May 29, 1990m.
Henderson, D.J., Brady, R, Gamble, F.R., Hardt, J.V., Friedfeld, H., Salerno, D., Swanson, T., Sansing, M.R. Electrode Supporting Headset, United States Patent #4,928,696, May 29, 1990.
Hardt, J.V. Advanced Topics in Brainwave Training: A Scientific Discussion and Explanation, MindCenter Corporation Graduate Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, June 26, 1990n.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant, Visiting Scientists Forum for Chinese Scientists from the Qigong Institute of San Francisco and MindCenter Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, June 27, 1990o.
Hardt, J.V. Stress Reduction and Creativity Enhancement Through EEG Alpha Training, Stanford Research Institute, Outside Training Programs, Menlo Park, CA, July 19, 1990p.
Hardt, J.V. Co-Host, MindCenter Corporation Summer Open House, Celebrate the Moment, Palo Alto, CA, August 5, 1990q.
Hardt, J.V. Interview on Brain Wave Feedback, WBZ radio in Boston, MA, August 9, 1990r.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant for Psychophysiological Monitoring, Planning Conference for the TREAT III Conference, Dr. Rima Laibow, Director, Greenbriar, VA, August 24-26, 1990s.
Hardt, J.V. Resonance and Resonant Fields: Possible Mechanisms for Involuntary Nonverbal Exchange of Information During Shared EEG Feedback Training, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, September 19, 1990t.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant for Guest Speaker Series, Dr. Emmett Miller, Inner Peace and High Performance, MindCenter Corporation Guest Speaker Series, September 25, 1990u.
Hardt, J.V. & Friedfeld, H., How to Live Your Own Truth, Special Event Series, MindCenter Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, October 18, 1990v.
Hardt, J.V. Multi-channel EEG Alpha Feedback Produces EEG Changes More Like Zen Meditation than Yoga Meditation, MindCenter Corporation Office Hours Education Series, Palo Alto, CA, January 23, 1991a.
Hardt, J.V. EEG Correlates of Anomalous Perceptual States, Treat III, Third Annual Conference on the Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma, Ancient and Modern Perspectives on Experienced Anomalous Trauma, Kansas City, Missouri, March 7-10, Vol. 3, 1991b.
Hardt, J.V. Discussant, Visiting Scientists Forum for Alethia Foundation staff members and MindCenter Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, June 20, 1991c.
Hardt, J.V. EEG Monitoring and Induced and Abnormal States of Consciousness, Invited address at Science and Technology Corporation’s, Tutorial Workshop on Environmental Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation, Charleston, SC, January 6-9, 1992.
Henderson, D.J., Brady, R., Gamble, F.R., Hardt, J.V., Friedfeld, H., Salerno, D., Swanson, T., and Sansing, M.R., Headset For Electrodes, United States Patent Number Des. 326,717, June 2, 1992.
Hardt, J.V., Alpha EEG Feedback: Closer Parallel with Zen Than Yoga, Proceedings of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 24th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 25-30, 1993.
Hardt, J.V. & Gale, R. Creativity Increases in Scientists Through Alpha EEG Feedback Training, Proceedings of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 24th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 25-30, 1993.
Hardt, J.V., Concordances Among Peter Russell’s Global Brain, and the Philosophy of Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and EEG Feedback Training, Address Presented at the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, 2nd Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 1-4, 1994a.
Hardt, J.V., EEG Power and Coherence in Zen Meditation, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, 2nd Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 1-4, Vol. 2, p. 12, 1994b.
Hardt, J.V., Individual and Cultural Implications of Brain Activity Mapping and Training, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, 2nd Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 1-4, Vol. 2, pp. 22-23, 1994c.
Hardt, J.V., Prescriptive Brain Maps of Human Mood States, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, 2nd Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 1-4, Vol. 2, p. 15, 1994d.
Hardt, J.V., What Does 4 Channel Alpha Feedback Do to Whole Head (8 Channel) Alpha Activity?, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, 2nd Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 1-4, Vol. 2, pp. 10-11, 1994e.
Hardt, J.V., A Tale of Self-Discovery, Megabrain Report: The Journal of Mind Technology, Vol. 2 (3), pp. 14-28, 1994f.
Hardt, J.V., A Zen Roshi’s Rating Of Proficiency In Zen Meditation: Correspondence with Multi-Channel EEG Coherence Spectrum, Proceedings, 7th International Congress of Psychophysiology, Porto Caras, Greece, September 30, 1994g.
Hardt, J.V., Partial Differential Psychophysiological Surfaces: A Method For Mapping And Altering Human Mind States, Presented at the Symposium on Altered States of Consciousness, 7th International Congress of Psychophysiology, Porto Caras, Greece, October 1, 1994h.
Hardt, J.V. Accelerating Personality Change with Predictive Brain Mapping and Training, Proceedings, FutureHealth’s Key West Conference, EEG ’95, Key West, FL, Feb. 2-7, 1995a.
Hardt, J.V., Using Predictive Brain Activity Mapping and Training to Control, Shift, and Expand Awareness, In an AAPB Panel “Non-Medical Applications of Biofeedback: Neurofeedback Techniques for Changing Mood, Personality, and Performance,” Proceedings of the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 26th Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, March 9-14, 1995b.
Hardt, J.V., Super Learning: Brain Activity Mapping and Training for Accelerating Learning, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, 3rd Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, April 27-May 1, Vol. 3, 1995c.
Hardt, J.V. An Example of the Kundalini Experience Viewed Through Multi-Channel EEG, Proceedings, FutureHealth’s Key West Conference, EEG ’96, Key West, FL, Feb. 8-13, 1996a.
Hardt, J.V. The Role of Neurofeedback in Modern Medical Care, Neurology Grand Rounds, Dept. of Neurology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, June 5, 1996b.
Hardt, J.V. Healing the Heart and the Mind with Neurofeedback, Duke University Medical School Alternative Medicine Noon Colloquium, June 12, 1996c.
Hardt, J.V. Virtual Reality, Interactive Movies, and Video Games Controlled by Prescriptive Brain Mapping, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, Marco Island, Florida, Vol. 4, September 20-23, 1996d.
Hardt, J.V. Do Halos Reveal Brain Archetype Patterns?, Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation, Marco Island, Florida, Vol. 4, September 20-23, 1996e.
Hardt, J.V. Biocybernaut Neurofeedback Training for Expanded Awareness and Personality Transformations, EEG Spectrum Clinical Interchange Conference, 5th Annual, Santa Ynez, CA, October 18-20, 1996f.
Hardt, J.V. Neurofeedback’s Opportunity to Fulfill the Mystical World Vision of Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, EEG Spectrum Clinical Interchange Conference, 5th Annual, Santa Ynez,CA, October 18-20, 1996g.
Lang, E.L. and Hardt, J.V., Improving Research on Behavioral Outcomes of Neurofeedback Training. Presentation at the American Psychological Society Convention, San Francisco, CA, June, 1996.
Hardt, J.V. Six Neurofeedback Cases, 5th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification & Training, sponsored by FutureHealth, Vol. 5, Palm Springs, CA, February 22-26, 1997a.
Hardt, J.V. Historical Perspectives in EEG Feedback Research, Invited panel presentation, Biofeedback Society of California, Orange County, CA, November 14-16, 1997b.
Hardt, J.V. The Ultimate Peak Performers: Alpha Feedback Training for US Army Green Berets, 6th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification and Training, sponsored by FutureHealth, Vol. 6, Palm Springs, California, February 6-9, 1998.
Hardt, J.V. Optimizing Education and Entertainment, Annual Conference on Optimal Functioning, Proceedings, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 4-5, 1999a.
Hardt, J.V. Spiritual Experiences Through 4-Channel Biocybernaut Alpha Training, Proceedings, 7th Annual Winter Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 5-9, 1999b.
Hardt, J.V. A Technology and Method for Spiritual Growth, Presentation to Foundation for Mind-Being Research, Palo Alto, CA, November 26, 1999c.
Hardt, J.V. IQ Increases in Children and Adults: Useful Outcome of Biocybernaut’s Intensive 7-Day EEG Alpha Feedback Training, Proceedings, 8th Annual Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 4-8, 2000a.
Hardt, J.V. Accelerated Spiritual Growth Through the Advanced Biocybernaut Process, Proceedings, 8th Annual Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 4-8, 2000b.
Hardt, J.V. Brain Energy Training: A Technology and Method for Spiritual Growth [the Biocybernaut Process], ISSEEEM, Boulder, CO, June, 2000c.
Hardt, J.V. Alpha, Zen, and the Forgiveness Factor, A Video Tape Presentation, EEG Spectrum Clinical Interchange Conference, 9th Annual, Oxnard, CA, October 20, 2000d.
Hardt, J.V. A Zen Master’s Alpha Training: Insights into Alpha, Zen, and Forgiveness (the Biocybernaut Training), Proceedings, 9th Annual Winter Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Sunny Isle, FL, February 2-6, 2001a.
Hardt, J.V. A New Method of Conflict Resolution Using Biocybernaut Alpha Training: Application to the Conflicts between the Israelis and Palestinians, Gila Buyam Healing Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 3, 2001b.
Hardt, J.V. Resolving Conflicts Using Biocybernaut Alpha Training: Application to the Israeli/Palestinian Conflicts, Gila Buyam Healing Center, Haifa, Israel, December 7, 2001c.
Hardt, J.V.Re-Uniting Lovers: A New Method of Conflict Resolution Using Biocybernaut Alpha Training, Proceedings, 10th Annual Winter Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Miami, Florida, February 8-11, 2002a.
Hardt, J.V. Spiritual Growth Stimulates Peak Performance, Invited speaker for an AAPB panel: Is There a Role for Spirituality in Peak Performance?, Proceedings, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Las Vegas, NV, March 23, 2002b.
Hardt, J.V. Alpha Feedback is Effective Behavioral Medicine for Restoring Youthfulness, IAS Anti-Aging Conference, Monaco, September 3-8, 2002c.
Hardt, J.V. Alpha Training for Elderly Parkinson’s Patients, (Speeding Up the Brain Waves), Stanford University Parkinson’s Support Group, Avenidas Senior Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, February 12, 2003a.
Hardt, J.V. Intervention in Young Onset Parkinson’s with Alpha Training for Parkinson’s Patients, Stanford University Parkinson’s Support Group (Young Onset), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, January 14, 2003b.
Hardt, J.V. A Technology & Method For Expansion of Awareness & Spiritual Growth, Invited talk at the Rogue River Valley Metaphysical Library, Ashland, OR, April 1, 2003c.
Hardt, J.V., A Meditative Approach: Learning and Identifying Peak States Using Brain Biofeedback at the Biocybernaut Institute, Chapter 12, pp. 263-284, in Peak States of Consciousness: Theory and Application, Vol. 1: Breakthrough Techniques for Exceptional Mental Health, Grant McFetridge, Ed., Institute for the Study of Peak States Press, Hornby Island, BC Canada, 2004.
Hardt, J.V., Biocybernaut Brain Wave Training, an Interview on the nationwide Art Bell radio show, Coast to Coast AM, January 9, 2005a.
Hardt, J.V., Introduction of Biocybernaut to Canada, an Interview on the Canadian radio equivalent of the Art Bell Show, late January, 2005b.
Hardt, J.V. Alpha Training For ADD Children and Adults, Proceedings, 13th Annual Winter Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 7, 2005c.
Hardt, J.V. and Jensen, M.A. Biocybernaut Theta Training Enhances Skills of Reading in the Akashic Records, Proceedings, 13th Annual Winter Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 8, 2005d.
Hardt, J.V., Brain Wave Training for Positive Deviants, Proceedings, Positive Deviant Network, Park City, UT, October 12, 2005e.
Hardt, J.V., Transformation through Biocybernaut Training, Proceedings, Positive Deviant Network, Ft. Collins, CO, January 16, 2006a.
Hardt, J.V. Introduction to Biocybernaut Alpha Training, on the Joey Reynolds Show, Radio WOR, New York City, July 21, 2006b.
Hardt, J.V. Kundalini: Brain Waves And Implications For Personal And Cultural Transformation, Proceedings, Positive Deviant Network, Park City, UT, August 11, 2006c.
Hardt, J.V., Advances in Biocybernaut Brain Wave Training, an Interview on the nationwide George Noory radio show, Coast to Coast AM, October 2, 2006c.
Hardt, J.V., The Art of Smart Thinking, Biocybernaut Press, Santa Clara, CA (ISBN 978-0-9795730-0-2), April, 2007a.
Hardt, J.V., The Art of Smart Thinking, Biocybernaut Press, Santa Clara, CA (ISBN 978-0-9795730-0-2), April, 2007a.
Hardt, J.V., Awakening the Global Mind, Proceedings, Humanities Team, World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, April 28, 2007b.
Hardt, J.V., With A Biocybernaut Network, The Global Mind Awakens, Proceedings, Transformational Leadership Council, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, July 28, 2007c.
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