What Are The ‘Real-Worl’ Results Of Biocybernaut Alpha 1 Training?

While Biocybernaut is the only neurofeedback training company to have formally researched now widely marketed benefits like 11.7 pts IQ increase or 50% more creativity—we are often asked this question:

What can I expect to notice during and after my training?

This is not easy to answer across the board—due to the simple fact everyone comes into the training at different places in their journey, under different circumstances, and with many variances in their brain and biology.

Some, for example, might be heavily stressed, exhausted and addicted to caffeine. Others may have lower stress levels, high energy and lots of experience with meditation.

Both individuals will experience profound improvements and changes as a result of Alpha training—yet what each reports may be radically different.

Thus, while we can confidently say everyone has a healthier brain as a result of the training—the benefits people “notice” (i.e. what they see, feel, or observe)—can certainly vary.

Enter Our First-Ever Customer Survey

Being a science-driven organization, we decided to conduct a formal survey amongst past attendees, with the goal of gathering data about various experiences.

Customers were NOT incentivized to note positive changes or results; only for participation. The prize at stake, chosen randomly, was a complimentary 7-day training at a future date of the individual’s choosing.

We were confident this would lead to honest, balanced responses—and we were right. Out of 1000 people, 102 took the survey. You’ll see the data summarized below in just a moment, but first, we’d like to say thank you to everyone who participated in this survey. We appreciate your honesty and willingness to share. 

And the Winner Is…

Also, before getting into specifics—we would like to announce and congratulate John Nemanic as the winner of the draw for the complimentary 7-day Biocybernaut neurofeedback training.

 “John, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to go even deeper in your level 2 training, which gives you feedback on all 8 channels. The feedback also includes hemi-coherence on four left-right brain channel pairs.”

Now Let’s Look at the Feedback

Alright, now that we’ve announced the winner, let’s dive into some of the feedback and data we gathered during this survey. This will give you a sense for some of the many benefits experienced by Biocybernaut attendees and what may be possible or likely for you.

Here are the answers:

  • 69% of survey participants experienced better focus from the alpha training

While “beta” is an important brain wave for focus, spending too much time in beta—and not counterbalanced by alpha—can lead to difficulty concentrating. But our research has showed that 7-day alpha training can have a dramatic and noticeable shift in one’s ability to focus:  https://www.biocybernaut.com/better-focus/

  • 67% of survey participants experienced increased joy in their lives.

Few people regularly experience joy that’s not tied to some sort of external experience, achievement, positive circumstance or outcome. Yet to experience joy from within is one of the greatest experiences we can have as humans. And letting go, combined with increased alpha wave production, can greatly assist in this manner: https://www.biocybernaut.com/increased-joy/

  • 65% of survey participants gained the benefit of stress reduction in their lives 

Stress is the silent killer. It’s been linked to a wide range of chronic disease, from those of the heart and brain, to cancer and beyond. Our capacity to process stress in a beta state will always be limited; but once your brain learns to respond with alpha waves, your relationship to stress is never the same: Anxiety Relief

  • 59% of survey participants experienced deepened spiritual awareness

Our connection to higher states of mind, and feeling a sense of elevated awareness or transcendence depends on our brain waves slowing down. In the hectic, frenetic nature of modern living—it’s common to feel disconnected from source. But when our mind slows down, we’re able to perceive more around us and feel like we are part of a greater whole

  • 57% of survey participants experienced better peak performance 

While peak performance depends on your chosen activity and parameters of success, more than half our respondents told us they experienced more of this state. Anytime we can be more “in the zone” and be less burdened by mental chatter, our performance is likely to go up: https://www.biocybernaut.com/peak-performance/

Here’s What Some
Attendees Told Us…

“I am much happier and less stressed. My spiritual life has improved beyond belief.”                

 -Linda K.

“Biocybernaut has been life changing for me. I am no longer afraid of being true to my authentic self. I was able to heal parts of me that I didn’t even realize were broken. The most important difference it made in my life is the doorway it opened into the spiritual realm.”       

 -Dawn O.

“I have used, and continue to use, Biocybernaut as an awareness that I can work through stressful issues. I now realize that no situation is impossible to work through, that resolution is a possibility at all times. I see the spirit or soul in other people.”                                                 

 -Audrey T.

“I have already used what I have learned at Biocybernaut to my benefit in everything that I do in life. The experience and knowledge helped me to become a better person. The strength I gained from my experienced helped me complete my PhD and now I am employed as an assistant professor. I share my Biocybernaut experience with my students and I have encouraged them to consider the training. I would like to continue my training in the future.”    

-Marlyn B.

And that’s just a small taste of what we were told.  

Thanks again to everyone who participated!

Check back to the blog next week where we share the inspirational story of someone who battled through divorce, money challenges, work problems and more. 


The Biocybernaut Team  

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