We received this message from Helmut Spiegl, an Olympic Level Ski Coach who came to Biocybernaut with one of his athletes to remove the blocks he was having within his performance. Not only did he have an incredible experience but he was able to witness an experience with his athlete that he has been working on achieving for years! We couldn’t help but share his joy with you…
In my over 40 years of coaching Alpine Ski racing and soccer I have always placed very high values on the Mental Training aspects of my work with my athletes. Although I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived at the Biocybernaut Center in Victoria, BC I believe I was very enthusiastic and had a very strong positive and open attitude to discovering what the training would offer me and what I could gain.
My seven-day training at the Biocybernaut Institute offered me a phenomenal experience of discovery. The training sessions in the chamber were hard work and often very challenging, but to listen to my Alpha Brain Waves, to learn to suppress them and especially to learn how to enhance them has given me a completely new set of amazing tools for my own self-improvement and for my work with athletes.
The protocols we were instructed to follow and the exercises we were given to practice, led us to new inner discoveries, revelations, and emotional outpourings on a daily basis. At the end of each day – and they were long days – we were all in high suspense listening to each other debrief with our Trainer, Linda. It was truly an amazing week.
Since completing my Biocybernaut 7 day Alpha Training I’ve been incorporating an emotional component in my work with the athletes. When I encourage them to add positive emotions to execute their movements I can see instant improvements in their performance both in training and competition.
As a cancer survivor of over 30 years, I’ve been practicing positive self-talk with emphasis on my great state of health. Since Biocybernaut I’ve been recreating my High Alpha chamber experiences one of which is the creation of a calm and warming euphoria within my body which I now gratefully add to my positive self talk about my good health.
A very close friend has recently received a diagnosis of cancer and I have now been including her to my healing protocol and been sending her healing energy daily with that same calmness and smiling conviction that she is cancer-free.
One of the most memorable experiences of my Biocybernaut training was on day 2 our Trainer, Linda had us do an exercise in our chamber session to create the worst case and the best case scenarios in our near future. During the debrief my athlete, who I was attending training with, described his worst-case scenario which was “I fall in every race I compete in and am devastated at the end of the winter because I won’t know what else to do!” He then described his best-case scenario which was: “I feel great at the end of the winter because I did the best I could do in every race.“
Apply To The Biocybernaut`s Alpha Training Here
I absolutely cringed hearing him say: “I did the best I could do” because regardless of his race results this was his standard answer for the last four years when I would ask him how he felt about his performance.
Our Trainer Linda merely acknowledged his scenarios without much further comment. I felt very tempted to point out that for a competitor winning every race has to be the best-case scenario. I managed to remind myself that I was at Biocybernaut as a trainee and not in the role of a coach. I contained my frustration and kept my mouth shut. Two days later, on day 4, Linda once again had us create a worst and best-case scenario.
My athlete’s response to his worst-case scenario: “I fall in every race I compete in and I am devastated at the end of the winter because I won’t know what to do next.” And then for his best-case scenario, he threw his arms up in the air and shouts “I’m at the top of the podium every race!” Shivers ran down my spine, I developed goosebumps and my eyes became teary as I sat there in disbelief. Without any verbal encouragement nor guidance the athlete I work so closely with arrived at the conscious conclusion that he is the best and will win every race!
Linda and the Biocybernaut Institute achieved in 4 days what I couldn’t accomplish in four years of intense training and coaching!
Thank you, Dr. Hardt, thank you, Coach Linda, thank you Biocybernaut Institute!