See how over 40 years of scientific experiments conducted in University laboratories can help YOU break free from mediocrity, negativity and limited success…
Hello, I’m Andreas Beutel and I’ve been working with geometry and consciousness for over 20 years. In the process, I’ve learned about, researched and tried out various ways of expanding our consciousness and liberating the human spirit. Meeting James Hardt and the Biocybernaut Institute brought many threads together for me and gave me a deeper understanding of how our consciousness and brain work. The training path offered by the Biocybernaut Institute has been scientifically proven to lead to significant positive changes in the frequency patterns of the brain and thus to the way we perceive the world. It is a wonderful support in our process of becoming aware and in our daily meditation practice and I can recommend this work without reservation.
Dabei ist besonders angenehm, dass es ein Institut auch in der Mitte Europas im Allgäu zwischen München und dem Bodensee gibt.
Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten, tragen Sie unten Ihre Daten in das Kontaktformular ein und das deutsche Team vom Biocybernaut Institut wird sich gerne mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie zu BIOCYBERNAUT gekommen sind, um mehr über BIOCYBERNAUT Brainwave Training Programs zu erfahren.
Herzliche Grüße,
Andreas Beutel
Imagine you have reached, and now live in the same brain wave states as advanced meditators and peak performers in sports and business. These are “Flow States” sometimes known as “The Zone”.
Imagine that you can become 50% more creative. This means that difficult problems you were struggling to solve now become quick and easy. Imagine that you can add an extra 11.7 points to your IQ level, elevating you from “above average” to “near genius”. Finally, imagine waking up every day feeling empowered so that you will remain strong and joyful and grateful for an opportunity to rise above any problems or challenges.
…and how to speed up the learning curve to deliver in days what
meditation, counseling, coaching, seminars, and self-help books
take years to deliver.
You come back pumped up like a hot-air balloon only to “deflate” as soon as you step back in normal life, without having had the Transformation that would catalyze lasting change.
Many people come to Dr. Hardt after they’ve spent years or decades in states of sadness, depression, anger, or fear. What’s worse? They often think it’s going to be like that forever. They feel that they are stuck in a dead end life. What they do not know is that the root of their negativity is too few Alpha brain waves at too low a power and too many Beta brain-waves. Beta brainwaves are associated with stress, anxiety, anger and the negative voices in your head. So if you suffer from a lot of negative self-talk…well guess what… it’s actually not your fault! Your not yet trained brain is producing too little Alpha and too much Beta. All this can change in lasting ways in just 7 days with Biocybernaut Alpha One Training.
— Dr. Andy Campbell, Editor in Chief of Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
In Alpha Brainwave Training you remove the blocks to your success in:
Imagine yourself feeling gratitude and dissolving all resentments. You are feeling compassion, forgiveness, and blissful peace. Others will notice and will respond better to you and you will feel happier and in better control of your own emotions.
Notice when your mind drifts away. Be mindful. This stops negativity in its tracks before it takes control over your tasks. Reach the level of effortless flow and experience enhanced productivity that many people only dream of, but few ever achieve. See yourself accomplishing more in a fraction of the time that it used to take.
This 7-day training employs advanced EEG Neurofeedback technology that picks up the tiny signals of the brain waves to amplify them about 100,000 times. This way the tiny waves become big enough to be processed and analyzed by Biocybernaut computers. There are 128 different channels of raw brain wave that can be given as feedback. And their are up to 65,536 Hemi-Coherence pairs for feedback. And their are up 8,388,608 Hemi-Coherence triples on which you can be given feedback. Naturally, to avoid overwhelming beginners with too much information, we start you off with a smaller, more manageable number of channels, which grow larger as you through Alpha One and Alpha 2 and 3, and all the way up to level 24. The advanced Biocybernaut computers score the energy and the coherence of your brain waves while giving you feedback using sounds of musical instruments and periodic digital scores. Imagine listening to your own brain-waves as the music of your mind.
The 7-day Alpha One Training is the original, first-ever week-long training based on Neurofeedback Technology. Although you may come across other “alternatives”, this is the only training that employs the most advanced, patented brain-feedback technology in the world. Accept no substitutes and avoid latecomers trying to ride the wave of our method’s popularity.
You will have a trainer who will personalize your training and guide you through every step of the process that have been perfected in University Research. For example when you leave your feedback chamber, you immediately go for debriefing with your Trainer. Your trainer draws out the details of your experience and thus helps you to transfer these important details into your Long-Term memory
See how over 40 years of scientific research backed by
laboratory experiments can help you break out from the life of
mediocrity, negativity and lack of success
The first training level is Alpha 1. During your Alpha 1 training
you can discuss with your Trainer what your next steps should be
in the Biocybernaut training progression, whether it is Alpha 2 or
Theta 1 training.
Yes, Biocybernaut can accommodate you if you have hearing issues. Please advise our sales representative of any medical and health issues you may have, so that our team can prepare accordingly for your visit. We can turn up or down the volume of your feedback tones seperately on the left and right side of your head. If there are some frequencies that are harder for you to hear, we can turn up or down individual speakers on the left and right side of your head. The primary Alpha tones are between 400 and 800 Hz so the common high frequency hearing loss is not likely to affect your full enjoyment of the feedback tones.
You can visit and read more on our website. Dr. Hardt has also published a book, The Art of Smart Thinking, which is available on Amazon or through one of our centers. If you have further questions please contact one of our representatives. We also encourage you to follow Biocybernaut on social media.
Get more information on Neurofeedback, Biocybernaut’s trainings, and our world-class trainers. One of our representatives will contact you to give you all of the information you desire.
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